Big Kmart and Kmart Express gas station
NASHVILLE, TN 37217A visit on a July 2009 weeknight showed only a handful of customers browsing the store. This store still had an open Little Caesars Pizza cafe inside, immediately to the right of the entrance. The store was stocked as an average Kmart, but too many of the lights were off. A rare Kmart Express gas station was operating on the outskirts of the shopping plaza, with signs promoting cents off per gallon discounts if one used a Sears card, and (not sure how this works) more discounts if a Blue Light was flashing at the pump.
The entrance/exit area with a Little Caesars!
Wii ad on the security detectors by the exit.
Standard "Thank you for shopping Big Kmart" sign
Standard pharmacy
Auto products
Craftsman tool corner
Wrangler and other apparel
Olan Mills portrait studio
ProtegeMVP shoes
attention (brand) apparel now complements the growing lineup of trendy clothing brands offered including Disney, Levi Strauss Signature, Wrangler, Route 66, Jaclyn Smith, Joe Boxer, Basic Editions, etc.
Hey someone is eating there!
The Kmart Express gas station:
Photos taken July 2009.